GridFriends - ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus application
GridFriends is a proposed research project with the ambition to orchestrate the electric appliances at the specific pilot sites involved in the project. We will extend an existing demand-side management controller for local cooperatives: The German research partner will primarily develop the IT system architecture (server-appliance communication for data collection and control); the Dutch research partner has a focus on optimisation algorithms and future scalability (vision of 120% self-sufficiency; future interaction between cooperatives). The pilots provide their scenarios (appliances and grid specification, user flexibility and constraints e.g. in temperatures or timing) and participate in on-site tests (e.g. several one-week trials) with the option to roll out the latest version or reverting to the status quo.
- ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Launch Event 12 – 13 March 2015, Vienna, Austria
- Advisory period 23 March 2015 – 21 April 2015
- Project outline proposal deadline 8 April 2015, 14:00 CET
- Full project proposal deadline 2 June 2015, 14:00 CET
CWI (Amsterdam), Center for Mathemtics and Informatics
Group: Intelligent Systems
Contact: Michael Kaisers CWI / personal
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
Management of storage, supply and demand in largely autarchic energy cooperations.